正しい姿勢、正しい呼吸 mind body spirit ! ミラクル中心気功

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<MIND>Get a rich spirit & rich humanity by A-Ray Style Chu Shin Qigong!

People nowadays are so pressed by strains and stresses that they have shallow breathing causing their nerves and hormone balances to be unstable. The pliability of a diaphragm is indispensable to the stability of the mind. Move your diaphragm widely and regain the original balance!

A person with an unstable mind has a hard diaphragm! -Autonomic nerves-

The person with many troubles is always frightened of something, provides against it, and continues to have various feeling too much. In this state, shallow breathing continues to cope with any immediate reflexes, if there are any. Also the state continues maintaining a tense situation, which makes sympathetic nerve active. The diaphragm, which has the duty to constrict the lungs, controls the autonomic nerves. However, as this control narrows the diaphragm’s range of motion, the diaphragm gets rusty and goes rigid before long.

Relaxation makes a diaphragm soft!

In contrast, sympathetic nerve becomes dominant when relaxed with a calm feeling. Then, strangely, the diaphragm melts and softens. The parasympathetic nerve is especially activated when breathing out. Release your breath “phew” for relaxing; then loosen your diaphragm. The stability of the mind comes out of the softness of diaphragm.

Control dopamine and noradrenaline by serotonin! –Serotonin-

In order to keep the balance of the mind better, a hormone substance called serotonin exists. Serotonin makes a good balance between noradrenalin, which manages fear, anxiety, sadness, anger, and dopamine, which manages volition, motivation, and a feeling of intonation. If serotonin runs short, the balance will incline towards either noradrenalin or dopamine. If this occurs, people can easily have a disease of the mind such as emotional disorder.

00890% of serotonin is made in “bowels”

The main place in which serotonin is generated is the bowels. It is said that 90% of a total amount is made within bowels. “A-Ray Style Chu Shin Qigong” is able to produce serotonin in large quantities by moving diaphragm widely (massaging bowels) and applying strong abdominal pressure. Serotonin is easily produced by rhythmic exercise or trainings for the trunk of the body. “Chu Shin Dou”, which exercises through a rebreathing method and settles on “Chu Shin (the center of your body)”, also has the affect boosting the production of serotonin.

The reason for being unmotivated and having no desire is the lack of dopamine

The source of dopamine, which controls motivation and volition, is a high-quality protein (amino acid).
For production and absorption, the internal environment must be good. The massage effect created by the exercise of moving diaphragm widely and applying abdominal pressure keeps internal environment in better condition. You’ll never run short dopamine, feel motivated, and become more positive toward daily life. Additionally, you will become an attractive person.

009Get a soft diaphragm by using Koshigi (half log)!

During the training of A-Ray Style Chu Shin Qigong, there is a breathing exercise using Koshigi (half log, hog-backed shape). Place a Koshigi under your back waist and do Tanden breathing lying on the floor. In this position, your diaphragm is rises up automatically when breathing. It’s very effective for raising diaphragmatic flexibility and is a massage-like exercise to move other internal organs. As a result, since autonomic nerves are stabilized and much serotonin is generated, you will be able to maintain a balanced mind.

Living with the view of the world containing no troubles by connecting with high consciousness

By continuing training of “the A-Ray Style Chu Shin Qigong”, your “Chu Shin Ryoku (central force)” will be increased. Your unnecessary tensions will be removed and the rusts of your mind & body will be cleaned. So your vibration and consciousness will be expanded. In this case, your conception will be changed and then you’ll be able to see the true nature of things. The trouble, itself, doesn’t exist as an everlasting truth or problem. It is important to recognize that the trouble is an illusion, which is produced situation by situation according to the level of your conception. When you come to live in high-dimensional consciousness, you’ll be able to avoid being confounded by emotions of relative comparison.

・Disorder of the mind is disorder of the autonomic nerves. The diaphragm is hard and the disorder of the autonomic nerve is caused by shallow breathing.

・It is important to activate the parasympathetic nerve to stop the reckless driving of the sympathetic nerve. Breathe slowly and deeply, especially breathe consciously.

・Shortage of serotonin will easily slant the mind. Exercises of A-Ray Style Chu Shin Qigong are very effective in producing serotonin in large volume.

・The important thing is balance! Tensions which have been deeply ingrained in our mind and body subconsciously disrupt the balance!

・”Importance of not doing your best too much”. Change your fixed concept by A-Ray Style Chu Shin Qigong.



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